• 22 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Welcome to Google Ads Academy

  • Google Ads Fundamentals

  • Setting Up Your Google Ads Account

  • Google Ads Dashboard Tour (Old Version)

  • Google Ads Dashboard Tour (New Version)

  • Setting Up Google Analytics (GA4)

  • Creating Your Micro Conversions

  • Importing Conversions into Google Ads

  • Combining Your Google Tags

  • Bonus! Installing GA4 on Wix

  • Account Structure Overview

  • Building Your Search Campaign

  • Keyword Match Types

  • Writing Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)

  • Bonus! Ad Copy Swipe File

  • Creating Additional Assets

  • Adding Your Business Name + Logo

  • Auto-Apply Recommendations

  • Changing Your Bidding Strategy

  • Adding New Keywords

  • Adding Negative Keywords

  • Understanding Your KPIs

  • Bonus! Optimization Timeline

  • Bonus! Tracking Your Success

  • Managing Your Budget (and Expectations)

  • Not Getting Bookings? Maybe This is Why

  • Q: Why aren't my events showing up in Google Analytics?

  • Q: What does Google's “Optimization Score” mean?

  • Q: Should I switch to Broad Match keywords?

  • Q: Should I show my ads on Google Search Partners?

  • Q: I haven't had any bookings yet! What's up???

  • Q: What is Performance Max? Should I try it?

  • Q: Should I be measuring Conversion Value?

  • Q: I need help with my ads! What should I do?